The MJ Arsenal Merlin recycler Joint and Blunt Bubbler™ and mini-rig is a dual-use functional glass piece that delivers pure magic. Engineered with a recycler design, the Merlin chugs into action and maximizes surface area; by pulling water up into a higher chamber, it filters the smoke through the water multiple times, thus cooling the smoke for smooth, full-bodied hits that won’t cause splash back. Designed with a female joint to place your rolled dry material, the Merlin also comes with a custom-made quartz banger attachment for all of your liquid and solid concentrate consumption. Lightweight, compact and easy-to-use, the Merlin is perfect for sessions at home or on-the-go!
The Merlin glass bubbler includes:
1x Merlin Recycler
1x Quartz banger
1x Set of silicone attachments (1 carb plug and 1 banger clip)
The MJ Arsenal Merlin recycler Joint and Blunt Bubbler™ and mini-rig is a dual-use functional glass piece that delivers pure magic. Engineered with a recycler design, the Merlin chugs into action and maximizes surface area; by pulling water up into a higher chamber, it filters the smoke through the water multiple times, thus cooling the smoke for smooth, full-bodied hits that won’t cause splash back. Designed with a female joint to place your rolled dry material, the Merlin also comes with a custom-made quartz banger attachment for all of your liquid and solid concentrate consumption. Lightweight, compact and easy-to-use, the Merlin is perfect for sessions at home or on-the-go!
Merlin Recycler with a quartz banger:
1. Using your dabber, pick up a grain of rice sized amount of your concentrates.
2. Fill the Merlin’s chamber with water through the mouthpiece.
3. Place the quartz banger on the joint—attach the banger clip to keep the banger locked to the piece and insert the carb plug into the carb hole.
4. Heat the quartz banger with a torch until a light orange glow occurs.
5. Place the concentrates onto the quartz banger.
6. Put your mouth on the top of the mouthpiece. Draw with good strength until the chamber fills with smoke. You can take as big of a hit, or as small of a hit, as you want. If it is your first time smoking, try only filling the chamber about halfway with smoke.
7. Inhale the rest of the smoke and then exhale completely.
Merlin Recycler with a Joint
1. Grind your dry material.
2. Roll your dry material into either a rolling paper or blunt.
3. Fill the Merlin’s chamber with water through either the female joint or mouthpiece.
4. Insert the rolled product into the female joint.
5. Put your mouth on the top of the mouthpiece. Make sure your mouth is firmly pressing into the mouthpiece so as to avoid allowing air to escape as you smoke.
6. Using your finger, cover the carb located on the front of the Merlin.
7. Hold a lighter or a match to the tip of the rolled product while you inhale through your mouth with your lips. You can release the fire as soon as the rolled paper/blunt is glowing red.
8. Draw with good strength until the chamber fills with smoke. You can take as big of a hit, or as small of a hit, as you want. If it is your first time smoking, try only filling the chamber about halfway with smoke.
9. Release your finger off the carb. Doing so allows the smoke to clear out of the Merlin without resistance. Inhale the rest of the smoke and then exhale completely.