The Little Dipper vaporizers features the signature direct-draw vapor tip developed by Dip Devices. This compact dab pen vaporizer / nectar collector is portable and convenient for sessions anywhere.
- Quick-heat coil
- Compact design with an ergonomic form factor
- Three power settings for more precise consumption
- Micro-USB rechargeable, powerful 600 mAh battery
- Patented airflow technology
- Easy to clean
As a brand and company, Dip Devices is an advocate for social change that aims to create a social impact, one device at a time. For every Little Dipper sold, Dip Devices contributes 1% of profits, based on color, to the following social and environmental causes:
- Black - Racial Justice (NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund)
- Blue - Ocean Conservation (Oceana)
- Yellow - Protection for Bee Populations (Operation Honey Bee)